Five steps to create a website
Tags: websites
iREBU Agencja Interaktywa / Studio graficzne
Autor: Maciej Skrzypczak
Specjalista Wordpress / Programowanie / Projekty graficzne / Wydruk
Every day, millions of people connect to the internet to get access to information they need. Understanding how the web works and how we communicate with it, allows one to create effective websites. It is best to divide the process of creating a web page into the following steps:
1. The purpose of creation
First, it is necessary to collect information on the area of business, what a given company deals with, it’s client history and target group, client’s interests, age, gender... It will help specify the purpose of creating a website and its goal. Whether it is brand creation, introducing an offer, services / products promotion, or perhaps providing information, entertainment, education... There are lots of questions that facilitate the process of creating a professional website, that’s why I always ask new clients to fill a detailed brief beforehand.
2. Designing and programming
Having established the website’s goal, it is possible to prepare an initial mockup of subpages and their design. Preferred colors and adequate structure need to be chosen. A business website should include elements such as description of the company, its offer, list of clients or business partners and their opinions, for example in the form of references, as well as completed trainings and earned certificates. If the offer is available abroad, it’s worth adding different language versions.
3. Testing
Testing is to make sure that the website fulfills the required goals and that there are no bugs when viewed on different web browsers, mobile phones or tablets.
4. Publishing
Adding content and graphic material to the website, moving content from an old website. Copying to the target web server and connecting tools that are helpful for analysis and checking the efficiency of online campaigns.
5. Maintenance
Publishing a website on the internet is not the last step of creating a website. After it has been launched, it is necessary to provide an effective internet promotion. Also, the website needs to be constantly monitored and checked for broken links or forms.