Brief / CMS WordPress
All the information acquired for the purpose of the job is confidential.
Questions regarding the website:
I. How did you learn about iREBU?
II. Information about your activity:
a) what do you do?
( name, branch, specialty, offer, types of services / products... )
b) company’s history,
( how long is it on the market, history of marketing campaigns... )
c) target group of clients,
( interests, age, gender... )
III. Information about the website:
a) do you currently have a website?
( please give the name of the domain )
b) the reason for creating a new website,
( brand creation, introducing an offer, services / products promotion, information, entertainment, education... )
c) color preferences for the new website,
( warm, cold, please give some exemplary colors, website addresses )
d) do you want a new logo design?
( please specify its key features )
IV. Website structure:
a) exemplary elements:
- about us, scope of services, history, staff / employees,
- offer, list of services / products, work stages, price list, payment methods, delivery, terms of use, returns,
- gallery / portfolio / realizations,
( simple one, without categories, or expanded with categories and individual descriptions ) - clients / partners / opinions / references / trainings / certificates,
- blog,
( simple one, without commenting, or expanded with categories, tags, commenting ) - contact, company details, inquiry form, list of branches, Google map,
- integration with Social Media,
- news,
- fast payments,
- newsletter / mailing list,
b) which items would you like to be in the main menu?
( in the case of embedded structure, please specify also sub-items )
c) what would you like to present on the homepage?
( please give topic headlines, offer items... )
d) should the new website have different language versions?
( please specify in what languages should it be prepared )
e) Social Media:
( please give the addresses of profiles )
- Facebook,
- Google+,
- Twitter,
f) do you have materials to include on the website?
- advertising slogans, texts to be put on specific subpages, translation to other languages,
- pictures of company’s headquarters, offered services / products,
( optimal quality of images is very important )
g) add-ons:
- content search engine,
- watermark on images,
- individual email template for newsletter / mailing list,
V. Hosting and domain:
a) do you want us to register a domain for the new website?
( please specify the name )
b) do you want us to organize space for setting the new website and email?
VI. Budget and deadline:
a) what budget would you like to spend on the new website?
- 500 EUR pretax, advanced RWD project,
- 250 EUR pretax, standard RWD project,
( please specify the suggested completion date )
VII. Promotion and marketing:
a ) how will the new website / offer be promoted?
- business catalogues, online shops,
- sponsored links, Google Adwords, Facebook,
- advertisements and sponsored articles,
- positioning,
- social media,
- business blog, comments on the offer,
- mailing campaigns,
b) do you want us to design advertising materials, a coherent visual identification,
- stamp,
- business card,
- business paper,
- file / binder,
- leaflet / poster / roll up,
VIII. Additional information:
Zapraszam do kontaktu:
tel.: (+48) 579 066 987,
tel.: (+48) 512 586 825,
tel.: (+44) 7477 950 284,
Feel free to contact:
tel.: (+48) 579 066 987,
tel.: (+48) 512 586 825,
tel.: (+1) 609 543 4389,
United Kingdom
tel.: (+44) 7578 118 867,
tel.: (+49) 152 2674 6659,

Wordpress Specialist / Programming
Graphic Design / Print